April 27, 1991
National Theater, Montevideo, Uruguay
Welcoming Assembly for Rev. Sun Myung Moon at the
Tenth Anniversary of CAUSA
Respected guests,
members of CAUSA Uruguay, ladies and gentlemen: I am most honored to be with
you here in Montevideo, your beautiful capital of Uruguay. I would like to
express my heartfelt gratitude to the citizens of Uruguay who have so warmly
welcomed me, especially to those who prepared such a wonderful occasion today.
I would
also like to congratulate you who have devoted yourselves to your homeland
Uruguay for ten years now, culminating in this celebration of the tenth
anniversary of the foundation of CAUSA Uruguay. Personally, I am so moved that
I could visit this country that is located at the center of South America and
that plays such an important role among the countries of Latin America.
standardization for the construction of a great world
This is the first time
for me to visit your beautiful country, although I made a tour of various
nations in South America twenty-six years ago. Since then, I have never
forgotten Latin America, and I have worried about the future of this region for
years. I have been deeply concerned in particular about the spiritual salvation
of the people of Latin America.
We are now on the
threshold of the five hundredth anniversary of the European discovery of the
Americas, and we are at an historic and pivotal point where we have to think
seriously about the origin of this continent’s culture, our present reality and
our future.
I believe it is not by
chance, but as a result of God’s providence, that the Americas remained unknown
to Europeans until the end of the fifteenth century. God had prepared these
continents for a role in His providence.
Many of the first
Europeans to cross the Atlantic Ocean and settle in the New World were deeply
devoted people, seeking a land where they could freely worship God and bring
the message of Christ to the native peoples of the New World. It was certainly
God’s desire that unity and friendship would blossom between the native peoples
of the Americas and the European settlers.
The New World of America
was supposed to have been a model of harmony under God for all people. However,
this did not take place as God had hoped. Along with good people of devotion,
many selfish people came to the New World. They abused the natives and took
their wealth. Problems of slavery and racism added to these woes. As a result,
God could not always bless the foundation of this new culture. In some cases,
nations were established based on greed rather than on the model of Christian
love. This unfortunate beginning developed into a tradition of selfishness and
exploitation that remains to this day.
If Latin America wishes
to be an example of reconciliation and peace in front of the world, it needs to
abandon the customs of the past and make a new start. Since the day of its
liberation from Spain and the other colonial powers, Latin America has nurtured
a great dream of unity as a neighborhood of countries.
Simon Bolivar, with his
idea of Patria Grande, Jose Artigas, who brought about the independence of
Uruguay, and other Latin American patriots, all envisioned the unity of Latin
America. Today all nations of the world are seeking greater unity through
cultural, economic and political endeavors. It is clear that the vision of one
world, with the Latin American dream as a precursor, is shining with ever
greater luster.
Sharing this vision, I
have supported and promoted Latin America’s dream through organizations such as
CAUSA, AULA, PWPA and the Global Summit. Through these organizations, for
several years I have called many former presidents and prime ministers together.
We have studied how to promote the cooperation and unity of all countries. It
was for just this purpose that the former presidents of fourteen countries in
Latin America met together under the auspices of AULA here in Montevideo in
Your homeland Latin
America still has serious cultural, economic and political problems. Your
effort to resolve them is required in order to build a peaceful and abundant
future. Latin American countries have the same responsibility in the task of
reforming this world as the various developed countries. For the establishment
of the ideal world, distribution of technology and free exchange of ideas need
to be extended to all nations.
The we are working for
more rapid worldwide development in places such as China, Africa, the Soviet
Union, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and your homeland, Latin America.
If Latin America is to
show an example of harmony and peace to the world, the trend toward division
and conflict has to be stopped and reversed. To this end, CAUSA is making a
worldwide contribution in the field of ideas, offering a clear vision of the
path that democratic systems have to take based on a solid foundation of moral
and ethical values. CAUSA presents a moral perspective that can serve as the foundation
to eliminate corruption and exploitation in democratic society.
These serious problems
and others that face all humanity, such as ignorance, hunger and disease are
products of deeper, underlying spiritual causes that need to be addressed
urgently by responsible citizens everywhere. In this time of grave importance,
we live in a moment of transition in human history. In the past, many movements
in the fields of religion, culture and politics were founded upon noble ideals
in pursuit of a better world. Despite great accomplishments, the movements and
the institutions they established often departed from their originally intended
ideals. Religious and cultural movements, political parties and social systems
often fall into division, contradiction and disharmony within themselves, and
even fight with one another.
In the
world today, wrongful political and religious zeal and narrow mindedness still
induce antagonism and hatred. Such are clearly not the desired objectives of
people of faith and good conscience, and we must not bequeath such mistaken
traditions to our descendants. Then what is the direction we ought to take?
What is the proper tradition to bequeath?
God’s ideal of creation
begins from the family
In order for us to
understand more about the direction humanity has to take to achieve harmony and
peace, it is first necessary to understand God’s ideal for the creation.
For God, who is absolute
and eternal, why was creation necessary? What could it have been that God
absolutely needed? Was it material goods, knowledge or power? These are
available to God anytime, and as He wants to, He can manage them. True love
alone is what God cannot create by Himself. This is because true love can be
achieved only with a reciprocal partner. Without a counterpart, even God cannot
realize love. This is the very reason God needed the world of creation.
Then what is true love?
As we know, Jesus Christ sacrificed his life to love his enemies. This is true
love, which is the love you give to others even if you have to sacrifice your
life, a love you give without any thought of reward. Therefore, only through
true love, like that of Jesus Christ, can we obtain eternal life and eventually
become citizens of the heavenly kingdom.
As we observe the
creation, the mineral, plant and animal worlds, we see that all things are
created to participate in relationships of subject partner and object partner
pairs that can respond to each other in harmony, centering on love. Likewise
there is a harmonious love between a husband and wife for each other and for
their children. Such relationships are found on each level of the creation.
Humankind is the center
of all things, created to be on the highest level, the closest to God. We are
the partners of God’s love. Thus men and women are the object partners of God’s
true love, and without them, God’s goal of true love cannot be accomplished.
God established true love, which is the ideal for the creation, as the highest
and absolute value.
Even the absolute God
likes to surrender absolutely to true love. Since even God is this way, all
people and all things are drawn to true love. From this perspective, we can
readily see how high a value each person has, as God’s own object partner of
true love. God initiated the ideal of creation with love for the sake of
others. He gives and gives, without keeping any tally. In this way, God
realizes true love. God began creation investing without limit. Likewise, all
people are created to harmonize, exist and live eternally through God’s
principle of investing for the sake of others. Man came into being for the sake
of woman, as did woman for man.
In God’s ideal for the
creation, which is giving true love, both man and woman are born to love and
become husband and wife. By doing so, they become the object partner of God’s
vertical love. This is the very purpose of their existence. God, who is the
origin of true love and the parent of humankind, wished to give this absolute
and unchanging true love as an inheritance to human beings. Since in true love
perfect harmony and unity are realized, God’s true love can be perfectly
bequeathed to His children, who are His partners. Not only that, because of the
attributes of true love, God also bestows upon man and woman the right to live
together with Him and the right to share absolute value with Him.
Parents want to see
their children become more successful and better than they are. We also know
that before they marry, all men and women seek a spouse who is better than
themselves. By this same principle, God created human beings as His children
and gave His blessing to them to become better than God Himself! This is true
love. From this perspective, God made human beings to live with Him as His
children and to have the same value as God Himself.
God made human beings, centering on His true love, to be able to share their
inheritance among themselves, live together and have equal value. Thus in the
ideal world all human beings, centering on God’s true love, would possess true
individual ideals and happiness and would transmit these to their spouse and
offspring. This was the world of God’s originally intended ideal.
Why we need to seek True
Today’s world, however,
is far from the world God intended. Contrary to its original purpose, the world
has degenerated into a world of hell, full of sin, struggle and pain. In
religious terms, this sick, broken human world is called the fallen world. To bring
this fallen world to its originally planned condition and order, God wages a
dispensation for salvation. Thus I have been teaching that God’s work of
salvation is the work of restoration, which is synonymous with the work of
God’s purpose lies in
the transformation of this world into the original ideal family, and beyond
that to the establishment of the ideal world. This centers on God’s true love
and the worldview of true parentship. When we understand the mission of the
Messiah as a mission of true parents to realize God’s love in this world, we
understand that we too are called by God to pursue and accomplish this mission.
The mission of the Messiah is thus the cosmic mission that all men and women of
faith ought to undertake.
As described in the
Bible, Adam and Eve, the first son and daughter of God, were to grow in God’s
true love and receive the Blessing of marriage and give birth to sinless
children. Thus they, like God, would have become True Parents and could enter
heaven. In this way, the world was to become the world of heaven on earth,
where God’s ideal family was to expand to realize a world where only God would
However Adam and Eve
engaged in illicit love before becoming mature. The archangel became Satan.
Adam and Eve became evil ancestors and the world of spiritual death began. The
world has become one where people spring from an evil lineage. Satan became the
god of licentiousness, and God hates licentiousness the most. Because of
licentiousness, the America and Europe of today face the fate that befell Sodom
and Gomorrah and Rome. The world needs to find the True Parent who can liberate
all people from Satan’s love, life and lineage. This person is the Messiah.
By Adam and Eve failing
to fulfill their responsibility, God lost His hoped-for true children, and
human beings failed to realize their potential as true parents. The Fall caused
the loss of the true being who could have realized the true love of God and the
ideal of True Parents. Thus the Messiah comes with the awesome task to stand as
the True Parent, uproot the false love that was implanted by the human
ancestors, who became false parents, and realize the ideal world of creation.
In a family, the
relationship among brothers and sisters exists only on the premise of common
parents. Thus, before this world can enter into the realm of true love and true
family, the True Parents’ position first has to be established. To help fulfill
this very purpose, God has called upon me. For this objective I have poured out
my entire life.
The people I am
deploying worldwide, the projects I have sponsored covering all fields,
ecumenical, academic, educational, media, technical, business, financial and so
forth, were all envisioned with this one purpose in mind. I have suffered
persecution and confronted death throughout my life with only one purpose in
mind: to live with the heart of True Parents, loving people of all colors and
cultures in the world more than I love my own parents who gave birth to me, or
my own brothers and sisters.
God is
calling every human being to walk this same path of the Messiah, loving God and
all humankind with true, unconditional love and giving all of oneself for the
sake of God’s eternal ideal of love, peace and harmony. This path of love is a
universal path for all men and women of faith and good conscience to follow.
God wishes for each of us to become a messiah for our community. With the heart
of a true parent, each person has to love God and his or her community. This is
the mission God calls every man and woman to fulfill.
Urgency for the
establishment of true values
Presently, we are
experiencing the winding down of the Cold War and a new era of peacemaking
between East and West, North and South. Overcoming confrontations and divisions,
we are heading toward the age of unification through harmony, as one world
family of brothers and sisters. The decade leading up to the year 2000 is a
precious period that God has allowed us for returning to the originally
intended world. It is a golden opportunity.
I have proposed already
establishing the Federation for World Peace, and thousands of leaders in the
United States, the Soviet Union and other countries are responding
enthusiastically. I have also established the Interreligious Federation for
World Peace, which is actively supported by more than eight hundred of the most
prominent religious leaders in the world.
Many people have devoted
themselves to the search for true unity and the achievement of one world, yet
true world peace still eludes us. Everyone wants peace. We must first know what
is necessary to bring it about. The key lies not in one’s spouse, sons and
daughters, neighbors, nation or world; it is within one’s self. It depends on
whether one can become a harmonious being, where mind and body have achieved
harmony and unity centering on the “original mind.”
A person’s original mind
is the most precious gift from God. Even compared to the entire universe, the
original mind has more value. When a person becomes a harmonious being centering
on the original mind, he or she comes to have the heart of God and True
Parents. They can begin to live fully for the sake of others, and consistently
lead a life where true love is the center. Such a life is one in which an
individual can achieve true peace to enjoy happiness and the unification of the
world. Beginning with true love, which is the standard of eternal, unchanging
value, we have to establish the unification of mind and body and the
interconnectedness and unity of the world, which presently is so divided by
worldviews both spiritual and materialistic.
These are concerns of
all conscientious people. The role of religion, politics and culture in
realizing ultimate world peace is therefore indispensable. Accordingly, all men
and women of all fields of human endeavor now need to begin to tear down the
walls of sectarianism. We need to prepare to act with unified power in
accordance with God’s desires for the greater goal of the realization of world
Now is the time to
reflect upon the fact that we have not contributed enough for world peace. Now
is the time for each person to develop true love, which is the origin and basic
element of world peace.
We all have to come to
the point of interacting with each other with true love, knowing that this is
the shortest route to attaining world peace. Any one of us who insults or is
hostile to our neighbor cannot contribute to world peace or God’s providence.
The world of today is
awash with problems. To stop the rush toward corruption and immorality and
engrain in people the way of goodness, we need to establish a true sense of
values and a corresponding standard of universal morality. We have to call
together all people of conscience and deep faith and educate them to be the
workers of true love of our eternal God, workers who can practice the true love
of God and True Parents. Regardless of age or gender, so many people throughout
the world today are starving for true love. In other words, they are waiting
for true people to emerge who are able to live for the sake of others.
If we can establish the
tradition of true love, all religions will be united, God and all humanity will
be united, and our new hope, God’s originally intended ideal of creation, will
be fulfilled. Then let us push forward with establishing the ideal world, which
Jesus also sought. Let us show the world and our young people that a new age of
peace, an age of true families, and an age of the blossoming of true humanity
is dawning.
Finally, I would like to
express my gratitude again to you for so warmly welcoming my family and me. May
God bless you, your family and your country, Uruguay!
Thank you very much.
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